27th Birthday, Backlog, Resident Evil 4

4 min readMar 29, 2023


My birthday was good. I spent it working and playing games at the house. It was an easy weekend. I beat The Wolf Among Us, and immediately started The Walking Dead after.

If you haven’t played The Wolf Among Us, I highly recommend it. It’s a choice driven narrative story. It’s really good.

I can’t wait for 2

My wife got me a cake, and a big Sword Kirby plushie — which I adore.

All around it was a great weekend!

I appreciate everyone who took the time to wish me happy birthday. I am looking forward to enjoying being 27 and playing more games this year ♥️

Speaking of games, I beat Resident Evil 4 with my dad. I spent the weekend of the 24th at my dad’s house playing the RE4 remake. It was superb. I believe it’s even better than the original, which is a rare opinion for me to have.

I like that they cut out a lot of fluff and made things way easier for me. I only had so much time to spend with my father over the weekend and I’m glad he got to see the game’s conclusion, and I didn’t have to say, “sorry dad, we’ll have to continue another day.”

Games are just too long these days and as an adult I can appreciate the short 17–20 hour runs I can marathon while my pops watches. He won’t be around forever and I really appreciate these moments we can share together.

I even bought a Papa John’s pizza and added Green Herbs to it! For the culture.

I try to give the gift of gaming to people when I can.

I got into the Diablo IV Beta at the last minute, too. While I would say WRPG don’t appease my tastes as much as JRPG do, I still had fun playing a Barbarian.

In fact, it made me want to get DIABLO III, so I did.

I am playing a Barbarian in that game too.

My Barbarian, Brohris

WRPG like Diablo and World of Warcraft have a habit of making the warrior-type a big beefy beefcake tank, where I like the young skinny hero boy types from JRPG instead. I like big greatsword buff dudes, too, don’t get me wrong, they’re just harder to make my spirit characters. If you’ve read my blogs or any of my posts, you know the types of characters I go for, so playing as Mr. Bash-Your-Brains-In in a WRPG, while still totally fun, isn’t exactly me 100%. Either way, the Barbarian can use a sword and shield, so that’s what I went with.

I’m also continuing Final Fantasy on GameBoy Advance. The story has started to pick up and I’m really enjoying it. I like grinding and getting stronger. The recommended levels for my parts are 6 or 7, and I’m nearly level 12. It’s beautiful.

Next stop: Elfheim

Sorry to keep the update short, I hope everyone is doing well and continuing to play video games and watch anime. It’s time for me to get back to work, so I’ll see you later!




Written by Vohris

I blog about video games and other things I’m interested in.

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