A Good Weekend (2/17–2/19)

6 min readFeb 20, 2023


Hi, everyone. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the opportunity to sit and blog a bit.

Things have been hectic recently. Over the last few weeks, my wife and I have gone through moving houses, insurance changes, filing taxes together for the first time, getting new driver ID, making phone calls, unpacking, and adulting up and down the city.

But, this weekend we were able to put a troubled past two weeks aside and just have a splendid time.

So what shenanigans did I get into over the weekend of February 17–19?

Dad’s Birthday

It was my dad’s 45th birthday Friday. I was only able to wish him a good one before he went off to enjoy a vacation with my step-mom. I can’t wait to see him again and hope he had a great birthday.

I didn’t wanna forget his important day and wanted to make sure he knew I loved him in this blog.

I miss him a lot. We’ll have to hang soon and let my brother Evan watch Friday for the first time — maybe even invite over the high school homies, too?

Either way, dad. I hope you enjoyed your birthday and vacation. You always make my birthday a fun time (and I’m next!).

Apex Legends

I’m learning the guy who uses a melee weapon + shield. No surprise there!

Finally getting into the meat of the weekend, I started my Friday night off with some multiplayer gaming.

I traveled 40 minutes to my friend Davis to an esports room where we could stay and privately play any game we want. With tons of PS4 Pro and BenQ monitors spread around the room, we had a free opportunity to hook up our PlayStation 5 to LAN and play Apex Legends with my little brother Julian for 6 hours straight.

My brother Julian is a hyper-competitive tryhard multiplayer gamer, and Davis is a professional Super Smash Bros. player who was ranked #1 in my state before focusing on college to become a doctor.

I figured we had a good chance at winning at least one Battle Royale game that night.

But did we?

Over the course of 6 hours, my friend did his best to carry mine and my sorry brother’s asses to a victory in Apex. However, we were left with only several top 8 finishes.

Despite this, we still had an absolute fantastic time.

I barely play online video games anymore, but the moments we created together were awesome, and the eSports gaming room was a quiet and homey place to practice and hone skill in a game that I would consider myself new and inexperienced in.

Since my brother is interested in learning Apex, and Davis has lots of experience with the game, it was an overall fantastic learning experience, leaving me craving for more.

It was also the weekend before Davis’s birthday, and his mom bought him the Digital Deluxe Edition of Like A Dragon Ishin! I got to watch my friend cut, beat, and shoot up some bad guys with his early access to the game. I have to wait til tomorrow, and I’m mega stoked to play the game. I already have my pre-order at GameStop ready to go!

The Hero NIX playing Like A Dragon

We spent the night eating pizza, getting free refills from the restaurant connected to the eSports building, and playing Apex.

I didn’t want the night to be over so quickly, and ended up not getting back to my house until 1:30AM!

Growing up, I rarely spent nights playing games with friends in-person. So it was definitely a great opportunity.

Sleepy Saturday Shopping

Saturday was pretty standard. I had a sleepy gamer hangover from staying up all night on Friday. I rarely stay up late anymore since my job is first-shift now, and I go to bed around 10 or 11PM on weekdays. Needless to say, Friday night wore me out!

I spent the majority of the day sleeping over my time limit, but when I woke up, it was finally time to go grocery shopping. We also ate at a really good burger joint. Sadly, I have no pictures.

Since I already had money for bills set aside, I decided to order a game off Amazon, to see what it’s like to have a game delivered to my house for the first time.

Source: Xuan Yuan Sword 7

Xuan Yuan Sword 7 will be my first entry-point into the Xuan Yuan series. I have high hopes I’ll enjoy it, so we’ll see. It’s projected to get here Thursday. I will probably play it fresh off of Like A Dragon Ishin!

Unfortunately, due to sleeping in, my Saturday was a huge blur. GameStop didn’t have anything that I didn’t already own, and Wal-Mart was slammed. Everything I price-checked, game-wise, was cheaper on Amazon anyway. I might stack up Amazon gift cards to save up and just order anything I want from there from now on. It would help me save money and buy exactly what I wanted without impulse buying.

Overall, it was a great day spent with my wife and her mom.

Sunday Funday

My Sunday was great, to say the least.

Starting off, we cleaned up for company, projected to arrive at 9AM.

I was having my brother Evan and my friend Davis over for some Super Smash Bros.

I sent Evan on a McDonald’s run, and Davis and I set up our Wii!

We ended up spending the day modding Wii, playing Japanese Ocarina of Time, and playing ROM hacks.

I sent my Wii off with Davis to have it altered in a fun way, and I’m very excited to get it back.

I’m just a broke gamer tryna save a little money, right 👺

I have a few Wii

I ended my night with dinner with my wife’s family. Abby made pot roast, and we played a board game called Tatttoo Stories — where one persona picks topic cards, and we had to draw a “tattoo” design incorporating all the topics.

It was stupid fun, and my wife understood what I wanted when I chose topic Cloud!

All-in-all, it was a great day.

In conclusion, I had a great weekend. I have no idea what shenanigans I’ll get into next weekend, but I already can’t wait for it.

I’m hoping to get internet soon so I can play more Apex with my squad. I’m also planning to ride to a Super Smash Bros. tournament soon, which I’ve been preparing for.

Pretty soon, I’ll have Like A Dragon Ishin to get lost in, and I’m overall excited for more gaming.

What did you do this weekend?

I hope everyone has a good Monday. Don’t fall asleep at work!

Do your best!

Until next time 👋🏼




Written by Vohris

I blog about video games and other things I’m interested in.

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