It’s August, and it feels like it’s going to be a hot month. While I wait for this heat to blow over, I’m digging my hands into some great games. I can’t wait for the cold weather to come, so thankfully I’ve got some games to hold me over until then.
I’d like to go over some of the games I’m trying to get through
Persona 5
I hadn’t planned on touching this game all year. If you read what happened to me in Royal, you’ll understand why I had no wishes to touch this game for a long time.
Still, I was going through a bit of a rough patch, unable to latch myself to a single game, but rather trying to balance multiple. I’m someone who tries his best to play one video game at a time to the finish, and I just wasn’t able to clear anything recently.
When I was discussing games with my guild, I told a friend of mine that there’s really only three games I want to beat that are on my mind right now: Persona 5, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and Judgement.
That’s when I finally made the conscious decision to put away the games I was trying to play on PC and focus on the games I really wanted to play the most.
Persona 5, with any luck, will be finished by November 2021.
While Persona 5 is my ‘main game’ that I’ll be playing every day before work and before bed, I keep my 3DS on me while I’m at work. I don’t play it every day, but it’s nice to have a “side backlog” for handheld gems…
I’ll go over some of my ‘At Work’ 3DS backlog
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
I never owned a copy of this game as a kid. I also never made an effort to get a copy as an adult. Not that I was sleeping on the game, I just didn’t think, “Oh, I really need to get a copy of that for my DS.” I was wrong. I was dead wrong. I found a copy at my local game store for $50 and copped it immediately out of fear of it increasing in price later down the line. I’m glad I did.
As of now, I’ve only been able to get my green tunic, but it already feels a million times more fleshed out than other games I’ve played.
Princess Zelda herself seems like a much more fleshed out character than she’s ever been, and I’m excited to delve into the dungeons and actually play me some The Legend of Zelda!
I’m shocked at myself for having never bothered with this game. I actually enjoy the touch controls, and the way it implements the stylus.
While it feels weird to be playing a Zelda game on my backlog, I guess it makes a little sense. They’re my favorite franchise, and I have been trying to focus on branching out and trying other games and genres. I know for a fact I like Zelda, so these games have just been sitting on the back burner. I could easily play all the Zelda games for the rest of the year, but what fun would that be?
Still, I’m happy I’m checking this game out!
Pokémon Sun
It feels like I’ve been playing this game for over a year. I mainly only play my 3DS at work, and I don’t get to play it every day — either because work becomes busy, I’m on Twitter too much, or I just plainly can’t be bothered to touch my games.
With Pokémon Sun, it’s the latter. I can’t seem to bring myself to finish and I don’t know why.
It’s not a *bad* Pokémon game, but it definitely, after playing Yellow and HeartGold this year, falls short in comparison.
Don’t get me wrong, I adore Pokémon. I love the characters, the art, and the gameplay. This one’s story, however, is a little lacking. I find myself not knowing what’s going on a lot. I’m at the end and can’t remember most of the character names. It happens a lot when I play games these days.
Still, I only have two or so islands left to beat. I’m almost done. I just need to focus and play a bit more and I’ll have another game under my belt.
I’ll try to hang in there!
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions
Suffice it to say, I love this damn game. It’s given me everything I’ve wanted in a Mario game. It’s got good art, good music, good characters, turn-based combat… the game is excellent. It’s a must play for Mario fans and 3DS enthusiasts.
I just beat the Dragohoho boss and it was so much fun.
As I stated, I really only play my 3DS at work, with some exceptions (I do carry it with me).
It’s a neat little handheld with some fantastic games that I need to start collecting for.
I’m hoping by the end of this year I can clear out my current 3DS backlog and add games such as Kid Icarus: Uprising and Fire Emblem: Awakening to it.
These are all the games I’m playing at the moment. I’m trying not to add too much more to my backlog as I still am planning to clear it.
Obviously, there’s no rush and I’m having fun as I go.
They’re video games after all; they’re meant for fun.
Let me know what you have planned to play this month! Thanks for reading!
— - Vohris