Health Update: Nutrition & Fitness
I suppose the first major update I should mention is my health.
Friends who’ve been with me since the beginning know that I’ve struggled with my diet and exercise. I’ve gone through various dietary restrictions, but found little success.
At one point, I became pre-diabetic, causing me to become overly serious about my weight and activity levels. This lead to me losing quite a bit of weight before my wedding day.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to keep that weight off.
However, I’ve recently decided to make a change.
I asked my cousin Benjamin, who lost over 100 lbs over the course of 2023, to help me get started in the gym.
Suffice it to say, I’m now currently four weeks in and I’ve lost 8 lbs so far.
I am now 229 lbs — from 237!
I’m very happy with the sudden results and the gym routine we get to do together.
At the one month mark, he’s promised to take me to have my first bowl of ramen as a reward for going hard in the gym.
Relationship Update: My Marriage & Family Trips
As far as my marriage goes, Abby and I are doing great. We’re supporting each other with our weightloss goals.
We recently celebrated our 11 years and 10 months together, which is an awesome milestone.
We’re inching closer to our 12 year mark, and our 2 year wedding anniversary.
I don’t want to go into too much detail, but we are planning some trips that I’m hoping to make.
I want to attend more gaming and anime conventions so there’s that. Plus, I’d like to get out with her more.
She deserves a vacation for being the best wife.
Her birthday is coming up in October, and I’m hoping I can make it another special year for her…
Gaming Update: Currently Playing & Anticipating
I recently finished The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
I’ve been working away at that one for awhile now but I’m finally finished with it.
My thoughts? Well, I actually really enjoyed it.
The Nintendo Switch’s HD version fixes the controls so that it can be played traditionally with a pro controller. You move the right joystick in certain directions and the sword will swing in that direction.
It makes playing the game way more fun.
The bosses were interesting and fun, the dungeons were all short and sweet.
The final boss fight of the game is one of the series’ best.
The music was very good. I love the orchestral soundtrack. I’d love to hear the Symphony orchestra live, playing some of these beautiful songs.
The story was interesting to me, and the parts with Link and Zelda pulled my strings!
There were a lot of parts that reminded me of why I chose the “Hero” moniker for myself, as the game often points out that my favorite character (Link) as well as me (the player) are a Hero chosen by the Goddess to save the land.
And that’s the core basis as what makes me
who I am.
I think if anyone ever questioned why I love heroes, swords, main characters, and stuff like that… they should play Skyward Sword.
After finishing Skyward Sword, I’m now currently playing EarthBound for SNES!
This game has been on my backlog since the very beginning, and every year I’ve thought about going for it, but something else always grabs my attention first.
I consider EarthBound (Mother 2 in Japan) as one of the Four Emperors of JRPG on the SNES.
The others being Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, and Dragon Quest III.
There isn’t anything I can say about this beloved and charming RPG that hasn’t already been said for 30 years.
I’m just happy to finally be playing it, and yes it’s everything I wanted it to be.
There have been some tough battles here-and-there, but I’m managing!
Overall, it’s been a fantastic game and everything I had hoped for!
There’s a lot of games to be excited for coming out…
If anyone says otherwise, they’re being silly. Those are the same types of people that say the PS5 has no games.
As for upcoming releases… my wallet is HURTING.
It probably is better to be one of those people who are so picky that they see nothing good coming, at least they are saving money!
As for me, I’m looking forward to so much that I could make an entirely separate blog just to talk about it.
Amongst my most anticipated are: Dragon Quest III remake, Echoes of Wisdom, Metaphor Refantazio, Mario & Luigi: Brothership, Visions of Mana, Suikoden I & II, Tales of Graces F, Trails in the Sky the 1st, Bakeru, Emio the Smiling Man, Epic Mickey HD, and so much more… so, so much more. 😂
I’m not someone who plays every game on the planet, but I do have a knack for a certain few genres.
To say there’s nothing good coming out and that gaming is dry and stale right now is shameful and it hurts my soul.
I try to ignore fakers like that but it’s hard. They creep up now and again.
The best thing I can do is show the gaming world what passion looks like and continue playing peak after peak.
Not everyone has the stuff like I do.
It can’t be helped, so I’ll just keep on doing me.
However, I do think there’s something out there for everyone right now, and that more people need to branch out.
I branched out to new genres and I’m glad I did.
Anyway, that’s all from me for now.
What games are you looking forward to this year and next?
Let’s talk about it!