I don’t know, I just wanted to use a silly title to update life stuff.
Maybe I should’ve went with “Present X and X Future”… heh.
Anyway, today I just wanted to write about life stuff. I haven’t done that yet and my blog usually only gets touched when I have a good idea…
I’ve had a lot of good things happen to me recently, and it’s worth giving a mention or two.
Firstly, I hit my first 1K on Twitter.
Obviously everyone says that follow count doesn’t matter, but to me, EVERYTHING matters. I’m not going to pretend like it doesn’t. I’m proud to have 1K awesome gamers following me on the bird app. I did that in four months! I’ve been able to meet so many new gaming friends and even created a new guild with a few of them.
That’s right, my new guild.
I created my first guild, The Last Brotherhood, in 2015. It was a last ditch effort to connect with a few homies from high-school who played video games with me. Nowadays it serves as a group-chat to discuss life, video games, anime, and anything in between.
Well, just this past May, I scraped together a new band of gamers and we formed a Discord chat called Final Amity.
Yep, The Last Brotherhood but shortened.
Final — Last
Amity — Brotherhood
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but damn I’m a fucking genius.
The new people are so kind and compassionate. They listen and are helpful. They’re so passionate about video games and they grind every day. I’m hoping to see each and every one of my new crew mates reach 1K+ on Twitter and reach the amounts of success they want.
As for me, I’m happy with 1K, and I’ll be continuing to strive to meet new people on Twitter. I’ve heard many complain about Twitter before, but as long as you block and mute the haters and surround yourself with positivity and love, you’ll be okay.
As for what I’m playing recently, I picked up Biomutant on PS4 to play it on my PS5, but the honest truth is that while I think it’s an absolute fantastic new game from Experiment 101 and THQ Nordic, I wasn’t able to find a playstyle that best suits me in the game. Nothing felt right and I stopped having fun.
Instead, I opted to swap over to my PC and start the beloved tale of Final Fantasy VI.
This will be my second FF game after X, and I’m loving it so far.
I’m not too far into the game, but my favorite character is Edgar, brother to Sabin.
At first I thought Sabin would be my favorite character, and he is cool — definitely, but so far, Terra and Locke can’t amount to how charming the ladies man, and king of Figaro Castle is.
The game is fantastic so far and is easily my favorite Final Fantasy game as of right now, despite only beating X for the first time last month.
Family is going well, too. I’m on good terms with my parents and all eight of my siblings. Nobody is mad at me and it makes me extremely happy. I need to go see my mom and my four-year-old brother more, and I’ll work on that. My grandparents also deserve to see me, too, which I’ll also need to make time for.
My brother Christopher finally graduated from high-school, and watching him walk across that stage brought tears to my eyes. Obviously, I’m a very emotional man and I’m so proud of my little brother. I wish him the best in life.
Alternatively, my sister just got her GED, which has made me over the mountain hyped for her. I got so excited for my sister that I even bought her a copy of Resident Evil Village. She’ll have a much better time now that she isn’t having to study, she deserves this opportunity to play such a great game. I can only hope that now her future for herself and her kids can be an even brighter one.
Abby and I are doing good, I’ve become more clingy recently — in a good way, not toxically. I am someone who appreciates my alone time to game (A LOT), but recently I’ve been dying to see my fiancée and spend some more time with her. We watched a ton of movies yesterday for the first time in so long. She deserves the best, and even though I enjoy being alone in my room gaming, I am trying harder to give her the attention she needs. I’m an introverted/extroverted person, I actually thrive outside of my room on occasion, but sometimes battling enemies and opening treasure chests is more fun and helpful for my anxiety and depression than dealing with the outside world… You guys know what I mean — you go through it, too.
Finally, I wanted to talk about something that’s been going through my mind recently.
My gaming / rpg class
Obviously, I stated that in Biomutant, I couldn’t find my class.
It stems passed Biomutant.
I struggle with finding how I like to play a lot, really.
Some people know exactly who they are inside a game — and even sometimes outside of a game.
Truthfully in both, I’ve never really known.
I thought I was on to something earlier when I settled with the “Red Mage” class in Final Fantasy, but that covers one game series, and one genre.
I’ve dabbled in life. Never knowing what I’m especially good at. And now it’s affected my gameplay, even in casual games.
With competitive Super Smash Bros., it was the same. Choose a Main. Stick to it. Get good.
It never happened. No focus.
Red Mages — decent at everything. Can use a sword. Can heal or deal magic DPS. But they do not excel at one thing.
A friend’s blog once suggested I take the HXH Nen-type Quiz.
I did.
I got specialist.
I took it again. I got Transmuter. My favorite characters in that show were Gon, Killua, Hisoka, and Leorio.
In that same article he writes Link out, unable to place him in any of the sub-groups.
Link is my favorite video game character.
Do you see the coincidence? I cannot be placed. I have no place.
It hurts not knowing what to specialize in, what to play, who to be, where to go, who I am.
I’ve battled with it in life and in gaming.
I’m not the big, slow, hitter with a greatsword.
I’m not the sneaky, agile thief, using poisons and shadows.
I’m not the healer that consistently dies when touched even the slightest.
I may have to branch out and try things I’ve never considered.
I’m already playing JRPG for the first time and I quite like them.
Just like my gamertag that took me years to figure out, I’m sure I will find my class as well.
To end, I will thank you for reading. I’m sorry it’s long and seemed to have no direction. Today is Tuesday, which is the start of my work-week, so obviously — today is my Monday, and it’s quite obviously “one of those days”.
But it’s okay.
I’m looking forward to E3, however I don’t see myself making any purchases in the near future. Final Fantasy VI will probably take all of this month + some of the next to finish, and that’s okay. It’ll keep me busy while I save for sales, and continue to clear my extremely fat backlog of 163 games.
Thank you for reading.
Until next time.
- Vohris