Life Update (1/24/23): Mental Health, Twitter, Work, Moving, Currently Playing

5 min readJan 24, 2023


Hey, guys!

Notice anything?

That’s right! I’m back on this Medium account.

I managed to finally recover my account!

We have a lot to go over today, so let’s begin!


I was finally able to get my original Twitter username back after a year-and-a-half.

It means the world to me to be able to have my name back. I was super bummed when I lost my account in August 2021. It just wasn’t the same! But I kept trying and trying and eventually I got it back.

To be honest, I wanted to thank all of you — sincerely.

In the past two, almost three, years I’ve been on Twitter, you all have watched me grow, learn, and change. You’ve been a major part of my daily life since April 2020, and have seen me change careers, lose family members, reach new gaming milestones, find new spirit characters to join my repertoire, get married, succeed, fail, cry, smile, reach 4,000 followers, and now I’m moving into my first house.

I’ve done so many things in my life these last three years, and I’m glad to have you all for the ride. I get to call you my friends, and go on big JRPG adventures together with you.

I hope you’ll stick with me for even longer now that I’ve gotten my account name, and my original blog back.

Thank you!

Social Media Hiatus:

I recently took a social media hiatus for about a week.

I was feeling really down on myself and had a severe lack of motivation and determination to do anything.

I usually get really depressed during the cold season and don’t bounce back until the Spring, but it had been awhile since I felt actually depressed. So I wasn’t ready, especially since it came late.

I think they call it “seasonal depression”, but I’m not sure if that’s a thing during actual season changes or if it’s a term used when it just randomly springs up. Still, it’s been pretty consistent since 2016.

I’m thankful I got through the holidays first before it hit me.

That being said, I haven’t actually played anything recently, since the release of One Piece Odyssey. It’s been about 7–8 days since I touched a video game, which is pretty abnormal for me.


I’m not sure if it’s a cause or a reflection of the depressive episode, but work has been so draining. My boss has been comparing me to my co-workers and taking slight jabs at me. Today he mentioned that I’ve plateaued on my progression, have slowed down, and I need to focus more to improve. All-in-all, I haven’t had the best time at work, and my environment at work has declined drastically. I want to get better eventually, but I was told to just focus on the basics and make sure I master my current work before trying to move on. So I’ll let it come to me.

I’m still technically on my social media hiatus, but recovering my original Username has rekindled a bit of my flame.

I may return sooner than expected


As I said before, I’m in the beginning process of moving.

I mentioned that my wife and I found a place to live.

Well, it’s true. We are renting our first house.

I’m about as nervous to have a place of my own as I was to get married. I’m about to be the man of the house.

Mr. Muchacho. Him himself.

And I honestly cannot wait.

I’m really excited. I’m gonna play video games in my own house. My own set-up. It’s gonna be vastly different.

We move in a week, and right now I can only imagine what having my own place feels like.

We tour the house on Thursday, and I’m ready to start getting ideas for a game room going before we bring all our shit inside.

It’s gonna be great!

Currently Playing:

I’m not currently playing any video games right now. All of my stuff is packed up for the move. I move in one week, and the feeling is so surreal.

I’ve left my Anbernic RG351P handheld emulation device, and my Nintendo 3DS out just so I’d have something to play this week, but due to poor mental health, I haven’t played either of them yet.

However, I thought about starting Fire Emblem on the Nintendo GameBoy Advance, the first Fire Emblem game to officially be ported to America. It’s the seventh installment in the series and features the character Lyn as a main Lord character — who I think I’ll really like!

Source: Fire Emblem, Lyndis

I’ve been wanting to get into Fire Emblem due to using Marth and Lucina in Super Smash Bros., but I absolutely suck at tactical RPG and strategy. I played Triangle Strategy on easy, and enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics Advance as a child (never finished), but the idea of permanently losing a character upon death sounds so difficult and intimidating. Maybe, I’ll save-scum! 🤔

I wanted to start with Fire Emblem on GBA to get a feel for combat and gameplay, to make the transition to Awakening, Three Houses, and Engage seamless — so we’ll see how it goes.

I bought Engage, but it’s in a box. Literally.

I love Marth, and consider him my Fire Emblem spirit character, so I would absolutely love to play Mystery of the Emblem or summon him in Engage. Only time will tell.

Me (probably)

Well, that’s all from me. Thanks to everyone who’s followed me up until now, and has kept up with everything going on in my life.

Thank you for tagging along with me and being my friend.

You make my JRPG power grow stronger with your love!

See you around! 👋🏼




Written by Vohris

I blog about video games and other things I’m interested in.

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