Twitter AMA (7/30/21)

9 min readJul 30, 2021


Hey, everyone!

Recently, I asked my Twitter homies to hook me up with an ‘ask me anything’ where, for 24 hours, you’d ask me a question and I’d answer openly and honestly.

Today, I decided to go ahead and write this blog answering your questions, because who doesn’t love a little Friday fun?

Without further delay, let’s get into your questions!

Q1: What are the Top 3 characters you relate to most?

The Top 3 characters I feel I can relate to most are Link, Hero (Dragon Quest), and Naruto. Number 4 would be Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

I’m still currently learning more about myself and my persona / gaming personality, but I feel I relate most to hero characters/main characters. I love characters who use swords and shields, or one handed swords. Think: your typical protagonist in JRPG — that’s me!

Even Alucard (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) uses a Sword and Shield! He’s perfect for me!

Q2: Favorite game that isn’t Zelda?

Funnily enough, all my favorite games are pretty much like Zelda in some way.

My absolute favorite game that isn’t Zelda is Dragon Quest XI. The main Hero (Eleven, the Luminary) has a glowing mark on his hand, wields a sword, is silent and doesn’t talk, is the hero of legend reincarnated, has to gather orbs to take a rainbow bridge to a floating castle to fight a demon lord, breaks pots for items… You see where this is going don’t you?

It’s me. (Credit goes to CamiloArts1 on DeviantArt)

Other games I love are the Pokémon series, and I’m still branching out my interests as we speak. My backlog spans from games everyone already played back in the 90s-2000s, to games that are just coming out. I’ve got lots to experience here.

They’re the best

Q3: Which Game Are You The Most Proud Of Beating?

Honestly, there’s a couple; I beat Days Gone on PS4 the weekend it dropped. Nobody was playing it, my friends weren’t talking about it. I took a nosedive and beat it on the absolute hardest difficulty. In fact it was the first game I’ve ever beaten on max. It wasn’t too bad either, I think I logged 54 hours. It’s actually a really proud moment for me as a gamer who typically throws shit on EASY and plays for the story.

At max difficulty, fighting hordes of freakers proved to be quite the task.

Other games I’m proud of myself for beating are Pokémon Yellow, Pokémon HeartGold — defeating Red at the very last second with a move that normally misses, Pokémon Platinum because I had to grind for hours to make up for a mistake, and resident evil 7 because I do not do horror at all.

Q4: Have You Ever Felt Like A Game Wasted Your Time?

Oh, absolutely. Final Fantasy X wasted my time. Wolfenstein The New Order wasted my time. There was that one time I tried to beat the first Gears of War on max and made it to the end level and had to lower the difficulty just to finish it… yeah… that was a huge waste of time.

Q5: What is the most important part of a game to you?

The story. I can forgive shitty gameplay if the story is compelling enough for me. I actually flushed FFXV recently because the gameplay was shitty, but the story itself was ‘GOOD’ just convoluted as shit. You want me to watch a movie? Fuck off. Movies are for movie watchers. I’m a gamer.

Rapid Answers for Kierzy73: I’d develop Zelda clones if I was a game dev, I’d recommend Super Mario 3D Land to new players, I can’t get into Dark Souls (Bloodborne and Sekiro look sick though), I prefer story over gameplay, I refuse to play online games because they waste my time, games that made me cry are TLOU1 intro, Wolfenstein TNO because it was trash, and FFX because it’s depressing — don’t play it.

Q6: What’s your favorite food?

I’ll eat just about anything you put in front of me, but I absolutely love Ramen. Fun fact, I loved ramen before I learned that Naruto did. It was a huge coincidence that I still laugh at to this day, with him being my favorite anime character and the one I relate to most.

My other favorite food, though, fried rice with shrimp… or simply put — shrimp fried rice. I’ve loved it since I was 2 or 3. I could eat it all day.

I’m actually going to get ramen tomorrow and I’m extremely excited!

Q7: Top 10 Games?

*lists 10 Zelda games*

Nah, but seriously, though, there’s actually some games I prefer over Zelda games.

My top 10 games are: Ocarina of Time, Dragon Quest XI, Twilight Princess, Ghost of Tsushima, Skyrim, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Soul Silver, Resident Evil 4, Yakuza 0, NieR Automata, and Persona 4 Golden

Shit…that was 11.

Q8: What video game character would you like to get a drink with?

Yakuza had me wanting to drink with Kiryu the whole time! Otherwise, Ichiban Kasuga, because I feel like he’s a better character for me than Kiryu is.

Q9: Mario or Sonic? Why is it Sonic?

First of all, it’s Knuckles all the way!

But secondly, I’m much bigger on Mario games, especially the RPG games on handheld and the Mario 3D Land and World games. Not to mention Mario 64! You should definitely play the Mario & Luigi JRPG series.

Q10: Do you enjoy any video game content on other media like books or movies?

Sorry, none of those things really interest me. I roll my eyes at live-action adaptations, and the likes. I don’t care that FF9 is getting an animation, I’d rather experience FF9 the game.

I know others are super big into movies, comics, and books on video games, and while I can appreciate them for what they are, they aren’t for me.

I haven’t even watched The Witcher

(The Castlevania anime is amazing, though, and is an absolute BIG TIME exception to this. Please watch it. Alucard best boy, Lenore best girl. 10/10 omg)

Q11: What about gaming keeps you coming back for more?

The escape. Everyone has one. Unfortunately some people turn to extremities such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other things, yet we video game players are always looked down on. No idea why. This has been my favorite hobby since I was born. I don’t know what else to tell someone. I love video games with all of my heart and every single one I’ve played has given me a piece of something to remember. I don’t need anything else out of life except to come home from work and play. I don’t need fame, clout, money, nice material things. I just need time. That’s all I ask for.

Q12: What was your gaming goal for 2021? How is that going?

It’s going.

Just kidding. My goal for 2021 was 40 games and I’m currently at 18 sitting at the end of of July.

I had some things happen to me this year that really hindered my play, such as getting COVID, and having my mental state absolutely destroyed over someone on Twitter, both to which I didn’t game for an extended amount of time. But I’m passed all that.

I’m currently juggling a handful of games and am trying to stick to one at a time. I’ll write about that later, though.

Since it’s almost August and I’m already at 18 games, I’d say it’s been a brilliant year.

I couldn’t ask for more. I’m grateful.

Q13: Do you have a bucket list of games you have to complete before you die? And if so, what games are on said list?

Yes I do actually. My gamer bucket list runs 100+ games deep. It includes Castlevania games, Final Fantasy games, and various other titles like Metal Gear Solid and even Ratchet and Clank. Games I’ve missed, and missed, and missed over the years because I just started really beating games in 2019. I set out on a journey to start clearing games I’ve never played. It’s been fun, but I’m by no means half-way done.

I will most likely write a blog detailing all the games I REALLY want to get through.

Q14: What’s your favorite anime/manga? What’s your preferred genre? What type of anime you wouldn’t be caught dead seeing?

My favorite anime series is Naruto, with Dragon Ball Z being such a close second that it could replace it. I’m a sucker for Shonen. I typically hate gifted main characters, though. The ones that don’t have to really try, they’re just destined by legends — to be good.

But I guess that’s me, isn’t it. I’m a beast (at gaming). I’m the main hero of my own story.

I prefer characters that have to work hard to get where they want to be, like Vegeta and Rock Lee. But I’m still the main hero, doesn’t mean I don’t work my ass off to clear my backlog every single day.

“I wanna be a super saiyan! 😭”

Other genres I love are slice of life, melodramatic, feel-goody, make you cry types.

March Comes in Like a Lion, Your Lie in April, and others I’ve yet to finish. If I’m gonna watch an anime alone, it’ll be of this type. Especially if they’re 1 season, 30-ish episodes. I’m a sucker who loves to laugh and cry and not sit there for hours trying to finish a 700 episode series.

Not sure what anime genres I wouldn’t be caught dead watching. But I definitely do have preferences just like everyone else!

Q15: Do you have a favourite genre of music, favourite song and artist?

Yes I do. Uhhh sorta. Music isn’t exactly my thing, but, my favorite bands are old school Linkin Park back when they were nu-metal/post grunge — and Chester was alive, Slipknot, Tool, and Coheed and Cambria.

I dislike most music; I dislike listening actively. But I do know what I like. I know my tastes. I absolutely hate being recommended music. I hate the topic of music. But when it’s time for me to listen, I gladly do.

I’m excited to go see Slipknot this October for the first time since 2008! Gonna be a blast.

Final question: What is your favorite platformer?

Honestly, I don’t have a favorite platformer. They’re one of my worst genres. I’m trying to get better at them. Ori is excellent — Ori and the Blind Forest. I am also trying out Castlevania for the first time and it’s pretty good. I’m just awful. Even if these games were 5 hours long, it would take me 15 hours to beat. Sure, maybe I just need more patience and practice, but I left the FGC/Smash scene so I’d never have to practice a game again. I’m warming up to the idea of learning patterns, though!

So I’ll say that my current favorite 2D platformer is either Metroid Fusion or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and my favorite 3D platformer is Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury.

Each of these games are exceptional.

That’s all the questions I have for now. This was really fun to do and I thank everyone who left a comment for me to answer.

Thank you all for asking great questions and reading my answers

See you in the next blog!

— - Vohris

PS: yes it swings when I walk, Chef.




Written by Vohris

I blog about video games and other things I’m interested in.

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